Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bithlo: A Willing Organization Enters

The story of Tim McKinney is an awe-inspiring one. He doesn't claim to be anything great, but perhaps that is revealing of the best kind of greatness. This guy is on the news - frequently - all because he took a drive through Bithlo and started asking questions. When he started doing something about what he saw, United Global Outreach was born. I don't fancy myself a reporter, so I'm not going to try and give you the Complete Life-Story of Tim and United Global Outreach. I can, however, share what I saw and experienced for myself.

United Global Outreach is an organization that is best explained by their own motto and mission statement: "To positively transform forgotten communities into places in which we would all want to live." That is exactly what they are doing in Bithlo, Florida. UGO has a model for community transformation that involves nine components - the key elements for building and sustaining a healthy community. They are Education, Transportation, Basic Needs, Health Care, Building A Sense of Community, Housing, Environment, Economic Opportunity, and Advocacy. Their vision is not for Bithlo alone, but for forgotten communities all over the world. It is so evident when you visit. Volunteer at any average organization, you would expect to be worked to the bone, giving every ounce of energy and ability for the duration of your time there. When we went to UGO, however, that wasn't the point. Tim insisted that, if we come and see what there is to see in Bithlo, we have the responsibility to open our eyes to the broken places where we live, and to be positive transformers there. Are we qualified? Heavens no. But, as Tim so often insists, neither is he. God is the faithful one. His provision is so ridiculously evident in Bithlo, on a daily basis. Who are we to say He can't work through us? If we are willing, God can use us in mighty ways. Cliche though it may be, I always need that reminder.

Transformation Village is the rubber-meets-the-road of UGO's Bithlo involvement. It's the home of the coffeeshop/library that is under construction. It's the basketball court that will soon be built. It's the ever-growing private school, Orange County Academy. It's the regular Spaghetti Feeds/Community Cookouts. It's the blueprints for a pet spa, a nail salon, a dental facility, and so much more. UGO treats the people of Bithlo like the VIPs they are. Nearly all the labor and resources to build this village have been donated. This is no small statement, as nothing you see looks like typical donation-quality work.

1 comment:

  1. Are you delusional or Just another acolyte of the modern day Jim Jones compound with McKinney serving the free koolaid? Do you support his ghoulish teachers molesting children in the church sanctuary?
    Face it. McKinney is a poverty profiteer and nothing besides.
    Before coming to Bithlo he was a failed mortgage broker from Conway.
    The loser deserves a stake through the heart for all the good he has done for Bithlo. We hate his guts as much as he loves money!
